Everything about waxed chains
Explore the benefits of a waxed chain. Less friction, longer-lasting performance, and a cleaner bike.

How-to wax a chain
Waxing a chain involves just four straightforward steps: removing, waxing, drying, and installing.
Using our heater reduces the entire process to about 30 minutes, with the actual hands-on work taking only 2-3 minutes.
Why a waxed chain
A waxed chain last up to 3 times longer than a traditional lube, is up to 8 watts faster and doesn't get dirty.
It's basically that simple. It saves you money over time, is better for the enviroment and just looks and rides better.

Take a closer look
A waxed chain keeps your drivetrain much cleaner than traditional oil lube. The difference is significant, with wax repelling dirt and grime effectively.